Featured image for ISE Magazine Article titled "Added value assessment takes Lean to the next level"

Added value assessment takes Lean to the next level

This article published in ISE Magazine, reveals a holistic approach to evaluating a plant’s current state and determining gaps that must be closed to improve leanness. By marrying qualitative rapid plant assessment and quantitative performance benchmarking, leaders gain maximum insight into how their factory measures up to best-in-class performance and are better positioned to take their lean initiative to the next level.

Assess a Plant - FAST!!! Factory Image; Lean Assessment, Lean Audit, Lean Manufacturing Assessment, Lean Manufacturing Audit, Rapid Plant Assessment, Read A Plant Fast, Lean Maturity Assessment, Rapid Plant Assessment A Lean Transformation Tool

Productivity Engineering Services LLC (PES) Announces Expansion of Added Value Lean Manufacturing Assessment Service

By marrying qualitative rapid plant assessment and quantitative performance benchmarking, clients gain maximum insight into how their factory measures up to best in class performance